Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Advice for GR8 ELA SURVIVAL!

So my little 8th grade darlings - soon to be high school punks :)- this is where youo post any tips, hints, advice or warnings to next year's 8th graders for surviving the coming academic year with me. You can comment on anything specific (i.e. summer reading, Holocaust unit, Elizabethan fair, abstracts, reading logs, annotated book lists, etc.) or everything in general. What do you wish you had known BEFORE you came to my class?
REMEMBER to watch what you say - nothing inappropriate! :)


Unknown said...

Little 7th graders, McNeeley’s class is not as bad as it has a reputation of being. In fact is has been one of my favorites this year. As long as you remember a few things you will be fine! One- Read Anne Frank, it is not that bad and you will save yourself a lot of trouble. Two- A lot is TWO words NOT one. Never ever spell it as one. Three- Pay attention to your deadlines. They are called DEADlines for a reason. Four- If you are one of those kids that has been getting away with not reading your 25 books that is about to change. There will be reading logs, abstracts, and annotative book lists. Last, but certainly not least, five- Always put forth your best work. McNeeley grades very hard so be prepared.
Note to all 7th graders, go
ahead and get yourselves organized. It will help you tremendously in the long run!!
Note to Kieffer, you can forget about everything that I have said because I know you and no matter what, you are going to die!!

Joy said...
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CassieBear13 said...

McNeeley. Every kid's thought as you look at her name on your schedule is something equivalent to 'Holy crap. I'm gonna die.'At least, that's what my thought process was. McNeeley's class isn't easy, and it's not for the emotionally unstable. She grades hard and deadlines are enforced like the death penalty in Texas, but she isn't all bad. McNeeley loves her students (even though she won't admit it) and wants to teach them basically everything she knows. You learn several things ranging from serial killers to Shakespeare. At the end of her class you will know how to write and use large words that confuse your peers, but most important you will experience a great teacher. Good luck! (:

Quentin Smith said...

Hey short people! McNeeley's class is one of the amazing classes where it's possible to learn an have fun at the same time. People say she is evil to scare you, but Mrs McNeeley is only evil if it is within legal boundaries - usually. The work may be pretty difficult, but no matter how much you complain it won't disappear. Even if you don't like it, you have to realize the effort required will just get harder from here. Have a fun time and learn a lot. Good luck!

Unknown said...

Dear future 8th graders,

Get ready for a fast year! I remember being in your shoes, reading this blog wondering what McNeeley’s class would be like too… and yes, I was scared of her. At the time ;) This year ended up being one of the best, and McNeeley ended up being one of my favorite teachers ever. BUT, there are a few things you must do to survive her class.
1) Do all of your summer reading, and don’t wait until the last minute to do it. Trying to cram in Anne Frank in the last week of summer vacation was NOT fun. Read an extra book or two, because you need to have read 25 books by the end of the year.
2) Stay on top of your reading logs. Get them done and bring them to class on the due date. If you haven’t done all of them for the two week period, at least bring in what you have. Trust me… it’s not fun to be the only person standing after she’s called the names of every one she has reading logs from.
3) Always do your word parts homework and study for each word parts quiz. Just go ahead and knock out each list in the first few weeks after you’ve received the word parts packet.
4) Believe in the seriousness of deadlines. You will be sorry if you don’t. What’s the root word in DEADlines?
5) Don’t lie about ANYTHING. Even if you’re a good liar, it doesn’t work. Seriously… don’t bother trying.
6) Do extensive research for your Elizabethan fair project in the weeks you have to do it. It’s important!

Good luck to all of you! Enjoy every day of your 8th grade year. It will be over before you know it!

Tallee said...

Hey Future 8th grade McNeeley Students!! :)

So, when you hear the name "McNeeley," what do you think of? Dead at 14? Pain? Major DEADlines?
Well, whatever you think of, it really isn't that bad!

Here are some things that you need to know to make 8th grade pass by SUPER quickly.....

1. Keep up with the books that you read. At the beginning of this past school year, McNeeley offered us a chart to keep track of our 25 books. In my head I was like, "Dude, that's soooo stupid. Why would you want to keep up with the books you read?!?!" Well, you REALLY need to get that chart. At the end of the first semester, you have to complete an annotated book list with 12-13 books on it (there's more to it, but McNeeley will explain everything to you. Maybe.) Also, at the very end of the year (now for me), you have to have TWENTY-FIVE books on your annotated book list. Not fun. ONE McNeeley book has 200+ pages with a couple exceptions.
2. Keep up with deadlines. If you turn something in late, it goes like this: 1st Quarter- 10% off your grade automatically; 2nd Quarter: 20% off your grade; 3rd Quarter: 30% off; and 4th Quarter: 40% off- that A LOT! Which brings me to the next thing ya' need to know...
3. A LOT IS TWO WORDS. NEVER EVER EVER FORGET THAT. ALSO, DON'T USE THE WORD JUST IN YOUR ESSAYS. Apparently, in the past, McNeeley made her students give her a quarter for using the word "just." Of course, the money went toward PENS (never bring a pencil to McNeeley's class. EVER.) and paper and other school stuff. Also, if you are going to write a sentence containing the word "HOWEVER," you use it like this.... McNeeley says that she hates her students; however, she secretly really likes teaching them everything she can. The sentence went "BLAH BLAH BLAH SEMICOLON HOWEVER COMMA BLAH BLAH BLAH."
4. Always do your word parts. They are actually quite easy. There is no excuse not to get a 50/50 (a one-hundred) on the homework part of the word parts (filling out the chart with your own knowledge). The quizzes are a chart with about 20 word parts that you have to fill in the meaning and an example- not very hard.
5. Do your reading logs! They help you with your annotated book list (keeping track with what you read). There is usually a good bit of freedom with your RL responses.
6. Shakespeare/Elizabethan Fair: Definitely NOT as hard as I thought it would be! I could've done a bit more research, but I think that I did pretty well (My EF was on King Henry VIII and his six wives). I'm not sure exactly what I got on it, but I'm confident.
7. Make sure you know how to diagram sentences. You learn how to diagram sentences in the first month or two of school. If you don't understand how to do it, ask a friend, or the ever so scary Mrs. McNeeley.

Those are all of the tips that I have for you guys! I hope that they're helpful!!
If you get McNeeley's ELT- It is totally awesome. This is because it's an entire ELT about serial killers! It was most definitely my favorite ELT!

Trust me, you guys are NOT going to die in Mrs. McNeeley's class. This is mostly because it's against the law for McNeeley to kill you, but also because it's not that hard; if you know what to do and follow all of our (current and past 8th graders) advice, that is.

Good Luck and Have Fun!!! (:

By the way, this entire advice-thingy-thang is longer than your abstracts are allowed to be [644>300]! Hmmm… Now, aren’t you wondering what an abstract is…? HA!

L said...

I distinctly remember reading every single blog post that I could find about McNeeley's class before I began the 8th grade. The things that I had heard about her ranged from, "Best class of my life!" to "Hardest class ever."

Funny thing is, though, both of those statements end up being correct. Yes, no ELA classes that you have taken can compare with this one, but don't stress too much. Although you may reach several points during your 8th Grade career when you want nothing more than to make her suffer as you have, the class really is worth it.

Whether you like things like reading and writing or not, you will find yourself enjoying this class. McNeeley is witty and has a way of sneaking the painfully boring "8th Grade Standards" in with funny stories and examples.

You may be concerned about the Elizabethan Fair, I know that I was. Don't worry, though! The fair may make you sacrifice your social life for several weeks but it ends up being quite fun. As long as you stick to the deadlines you won't fall behind.

Speaking of those deadlines, be sure to keep to them. McNeeley doesn't play around when it comes to due dates. When she says she wants it on the tenth then I suggest turning it in on the tenth. Abstracts can be boring to write, especially if the book you read turned out to be super-boring, but don't put them off. Turn them in on time! The consequences of not doing so are much worse than one would expect.

Remember, people may tell you that the class is too hard or too boring but McNeeley, though she'd deny it if you asked her, really has her student's best interests at heart. Just try and remember the difference between "you're" and "your" and "to" and "too" and you should be fine!

Good luck! It should be a great year.

Aron said...

Hi rising 7th grade shrimps! You've probably heard a whole lot about Mrs.McNeeley, probably scary things. I know exactly how you feel. I was so scared of her that when I met her for the first time in the library, I was actually sweating because I was so scared/nervous. Once I got to know her, I thought she was pretty cool, so you don't need to be afraid of her. It's only okay to be afraid of her for the following reasons: missing deadlines, spelling "a lot" as one word, and also using expressions explaining characters with phrases such as "go through", or "went through". She will be extremely mad if you violate any of these rules.
She once told us that if we spelled "a lot" as one word, she'd take 5 points from whatever the assignment was! I mean, 5 points from the entire assignment! Even if you're writing a note to a friend and she sees the word "a lot" spelled as one word, she'll still take 5 points off something. This would kill you on abstracts since she already grades hard on those.
Secondly, keep your deadlines. If you didn't get in trouble this year for not keeping track of deadlines, well, you're in huge trouble now. Imagine what would've happened if we didn't bring our work on time during the Elizabethan Fair? Do you realize how catastrophic that would've been? No matter what it takes, MAKE SURE YOU KEEP YOUR DEADLINES!!! WRITE THEM IN YOUR AGENDA!!! STAY UP UNTIL 2 IN THE MORNING WORKING ON AN ASSIGNMENT IF YOU HAVE TO!(You'll probably have to during the Elizabethan Fair!)
Lastly, NEVER use phrases such as "go through" or "went through" in an abstract. SHE WILL EAT YOU!! (If it's continuous.) Make sure that when you write your abstracts that you aren't too wordy, your paper flows, you have excellent grammar, and you do everything else that she wants. Even with all this, you might make a...hmmm...about a 70% maybe? Nah, I'm just kidding. But she does grade extremely harsh on these. Just a heads up. All you can do is put your best effort into the paper and hope for the best.
Now, if you do happen to get on her bad side, the thing that will make her happy again are...BANANAS!!! She loves bananas. Save one for her from lunch and see if she'll do something nice for you. Oh, for all you nerds who are concerned about grades and all that, DO NOT ask her for extra credit, because she doesn't normally just give it just because she feels like it. In my ENTIRE eighth grade year, I can only remember once getting extra credit from her, and that was on a 8 page final exam that pretty much ALL of us failed.
Other than all of this, just make sure you do your abstracts, word parts lists, reading logs, annotated book lists, Shakespeare reading, Elizabethan Fair, daily grammar, and Georgia Writing samples, and I'm pretty sure you'll do well in her class. Also, she actually makes you do reading logs, so you can't do summaries or anything like that! It actually requires time!

ALSO, remember, she wants your work to have QUALITY, not QUANTITY!!

Talia and Caitlin. I know you two really well, and you're going to DIE!!! MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! I wish everyone else the best of luck!

Robert Walker III said...

Dear 7th graders,
McNeeley is tough, and you better be ready to work. On the other hand, McNeeley always finds new and exiting ways to make her class interesting and fun. Do NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES BLOW OFF THE ELIZABETHAN FAIR! Along with that, one thing you need to understand is that you will NOT have a spring break because of the Elizabethan fair. You should know that it is not as easy as you might expect because you are used to be able to turn things in late without any problems, in McNeeley's class she takes off more and more points per quarter 10 points, 20 points, 30 points, and finally, in third quarter late means you fail. McNeeley is the best teacher in the school and you are fortunate to have her.

See you in Clarke Central,
Robert Walker

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

One thing about Ms. McNeeley: She's the best teacher on the hall.
That being said, whether or not you like her class comes down to whether or not you like learning in general... Even if you don't that'll probably change.
Anyway, have fun, and enjoy 8th grade.

#1 Hardest Thing about ELA8: Elizabethan fair. Dread it. Fear for your sanity.
#1 Most annoying thing about ELA8: Reading logs. You have to do 10 entries every 2 weeks and read 25 pages a night and 25 books a year.
#1 Best thing about ELA8: McNeeley's various stories about her life and beyond.
#1 thing you need to get used to: getting called a turd.
#1 Biggest difference from ELA7: You're actually expected to know grammar (sucks, right?) .

--Aaron H

Eliot J Zapata said...

A word of advice to future 8th graders. Do not believe the stories about McNeeley's class being the most horrible thing since spam. It is not hard if you simply remember a few things.
First, do not EVER think that you can do something last minute. I don't know how, but Mrs. McNeeley can tell.
Second, I am sorry for those kids who hate reading, but you are going to have suck it up and buy a book or you will not pass. Just remember that you have a reading log every two weeks!
Third, do your summer reading (I recommend The Book Thief and Life As We Know It), don't blow off the abstracts, and put A LOT (two words) of effort into your Elizabethan Fair.
Finally, stay on McNeeley's good side. She will call you turd, most likely get annoyed at you if you say something stupid, and will threaten, but never will, to hit you. If you make her laugh then keep doing what your doing.
Good luck and see you in a couple of years!!

P.S.- Mrs. McNeeley, are you aware that google does not count "turd" as a word?

Anonymous said...

Please visit the following link to view my advice for all you rising 8th graders (READ EVERYTHING IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE!!!):

[Complications with formatting and submission led me to post it like this]


Unknown said...

Hey children!
I know you are probably quite nervous to begin McNeeley's class, but let me just say that you should be every bit excited as you are nervous! If I am going to be completely honest with you, McNeeley's class is the hardest class I have ever taken, but it is also one of the most fun and rewarding! Here are just a few tips that may prepare you for the big, scary 8th grade English class!

1.) Be prepared to WRITE!
McNeeley loves writing. You may be studying the Holocaust or Shakespeare, I can guarantee there is going to be writing involved. When I first came into her class, I was pretty awful at writing and grammar. She may be a harsh grader, but it is definitely for your own good. It may be difficult at first, but if you are determined and hard-working, you should be fine!

2.) Be prepared to READ!
You may have heard before about all the reading logs you have to do in McNeeley's class. That is completely true. You have to do 10 reading logs for two weeks then you get a break week in between. You actually have to read the book to do the reading log (sucks, I know), if you don't read, it will be really obvious! Reading logs are something really important you should do; they don't take that long and they make or break your grade. I know kids who were too lazy to do them and they failed out of her class even though they were quite smart! You MUST read 25 books during the entire year; then you must do an annotated book list at the end of the year (she should tell you about that). It may sound easy when she explains it, but it takes HOURS!! Do not wait until the last minute like I did.

3.) Be prepared to STUDY!
McNeeley's finals are HARD. Really hard. You need to study for them, do not think you can make a good grade without studying. This is something you can't study the night before for either. I suggest getting someone who is really good at English in your class and studying with them!

Some extra notes:
-You will be diagramming sentences, and this can become very, very confusing. I really had to work to understand it.
-There is a lot of grammar just in general in her class. This part is much more difficult than second grade. You should just study it and you should be fine. :D
-I don't think I need to explain to you how "a lot" is TWO WORDS.
-Don't even try to tell her about how you left your homework at home when you really didn't do it; she can see through every lie.
-You may be nervous, but just realize if you are genuine and hard-working, McNeeley will like you!
Now that we have that settled, you aren't so scared, are you?

Anna G

Unknown said...

Hi all you 7th graders! If you can't wait to get to 8th grade, then you really can't wait for McNeeley's class. She's hard core Irish with lots of attitude, but she is heaps of fun. In her class we do tons of work, so come prepared to work and learn. Here is some advice for her class.
1. Don't make her mad or she'll get out her Hurley.
2. Always remember a lot is two words, not one.
3. Start reading your books this summer! That wqay you'll get a head start on your 25 books.
4. You might learn some new vocabulary.(hint hint* especially if she's mad!)
5. Yes. She does hit and throw things, but that's the best part!

Unknown said...
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Shadowspike12 said...

Upcoming 8th graders, you may have heard a lot of bad things about Mrs. McNeeley, but she isn's all that bad. She treats her class like a high school class. You must always be prepared to write in her class. She takes her job seriously. Mrs. McNeeley will have fun sometimes, but she gets serious when she has to. She makes fun of her students just for the heck of it, so be prepared.

Unknown said...

Hello rising 8th graders (7th graders). I'm sure you've heard the worst about Mrs.McNeeley's ADVNCD ELA, but I'm here to reassure you that it's not that bad. When you meet Mrs.McNeeley you might be afraid of her, but as you get to know her you will grow to like her. Mrs.McNeeley is NOT mean, she just doesn't take any mess from anybody. So, if you want to give her attitude I suggest you think twice about it.
Her ELA is very Advanced! She wants to see you working at your hardest and your best, nothing less. Mrs.McNeeley loves her Irish culture. You will learn a lot about her Irish roots throughout the year. One of her Irish traditions is a game called Hurley. Mrs.McNeeley keeps a Hurley in her room. Yes she will try to hit you with hit (I know from exprience).
Another thing Mrs.McNeeley is so interested in is the Holocaust. You will learn A LOT about the Holocaust, but don't worry you will not be bored with the subject. Mrs.McNeeley worked at a Holocaust museum! How cool is that?
I garuntee that you will love Mrs.McNeeley's class! You will discover your full potential in her class! You won't be disappointed!

-Alexis Nailing

Anonymous said...

Hello, soon to be 8th graders! I remember when I was just a little squirt about to start 8th grade. I read all of the rising 9th graders comments on McNeeley, and I was TERRIFIED! I found out she wasn't as bad as I thought she would be. Yes, she is tough on you, but it is only because she wants to to exceed in every thing you do. So, here are some helpful tips that are pretty much guaranteed to help you do well in her class next year.
1. Ask QUESTIONS. Even if you are shy, you still need to ask questions if you need something clarified. I'm pretty shy and I didn't ask any questions, so I ended up FAILING 1st quarter.
2. Keep up with DEADLINES. She will take 30-40% off your grade automatically just for turning something in late.
3. DO NOT be a BRAT. She will call you out IMMEDIATELY if you say something rude to her. And trust me, you will be embarrased.
4. Pay ATTENTION! She calls on students randomly, so quit daydreaming about your boyfriend or what you are going to do this weekend and pay attention!
I hope these tips will help you out. Have fun next year!

Unknown said...

Rising 8th graders-
I am sure that you have heard many horror stories about Mrs. McNeeley, and are probably wetting your pants in fear. The truth is, her class is not THAT hard. If you follow this advice, you will easily exceed with an A:
1.) Stay on top of things. Don't leave assignments for the last minute. (There have been numerous times where I have left reading logs until the day before they were due, and I have forgotten what I read about!) Particularly be careful with the Elizabethan Fair, if you do not put in a substantial amount of effort every day (yes, even the day it is assigned) you will find yourself overwhelmed with facts and past deadlines.
2.) Pay CLOSE attention. Mrs. McNeeley is famous for picking on her students that are spacing out (especially those taking a nap)! Her class is fast-paced, so just by missing a single detail you can become totally lost. Also, don't forget the little things. When Mrs. McNeeley says she wants two spaces between sentences, she means it!
3.) Lastly, and most importantly, actually do your work! Lets be honest, we have all lied, how many times have you heard a student tell the teacher "I left it at home?" Even if you think you are the sliest kid ever, you cannot defy Mrs. McNeeley. For instance, if you pretend to read books during the school year, it will come back to haunt you when you have to turn in a list of 25 books at the end. An assignment may seem impossible, but you will be much better off if you actually do it rather than just ignore it!

As terrified as you may be now, you will soon realize that Mrs. McNeeley's class isn't so hard. If I could balance the Elizabethan Fair and missing a full week of school- all during soccer season- you can too!

Good Luck!

Hanna said...

Hey future 8th graders!
You've got a tough path ahead of you, but don't be afraid. Mrs. McNeeley's class is one of the most dreadfully challenging but fun classes in the 8th grade. That being said, you're going to need some advice:
1) Reading: Anne Frank is a piece of cake. You might think it's extremely boring, but you have to push through it. It's not that bad, trust me. As far as reading logs go, just remember to read your 25 pages each night or else you'll end up doomed when you have to write 10 reflections on what you read every two weeks. Read each abstract book before the deadline!

2)Be careful: the slightest mistakes will put you in the doghouse, and that ranges from two spaces after a sentence to forgetting to turn something in. Mrs. McNeeley knows all.

3)Elizabethan Fair: yes, this is probably the hardest project that will ever be assigned to you, and if you slack off...well, good luck. I felt so accomplished when I had finally finished mine, and the countless hours of work put into it were definitely worth it. Deadlines are your friends- getting it done piece by piece helps it go by a bit more easily.

DON'T STRESS! You'll love this class and hate it at the same time. Just remember to stay on top of things and do your best.

Have fun!

Unknown said...

Don't lie - you know you've heard about McNeeley and her class. But it's not half as bad as what you hear. The class is challenging, but it's fun.

Here are some tips:

1. NEVER forget your deadlines. McNeeley is a stickler for them. Don't turn things in late, or you will receive the penalty (points deducted).

2. Read as much as possible over the summer. You have to read a minimum of 25 books this year, and it's best to get a head start while you have the time.

3. Never fall behind in Elizabethan Fair work. It's a large amount of work, but if you pace yourself and get everything done on time you'll be fine.

4. Study for word parts! These quizzes are quick and easy to study for and they will really help your grade if it's not so great.

Have fun!

Nick Dawe said...

Hello and welcome to a wonderful year. It starts out with reading three books over the summer. One of which is Anne Frank and the other two are your choice. I haven't ever been one for reading and this book sure did not help. Although it is boring it does give a good perspective on the holocaust which you will learn about later on.
Another thing you need to worry about is abstracts. you have one every quarter. My first one wasn't my best work and I got an F. So work hard on abstracts, they're graded difficultly.
The hardest thing in the entire year is the Elizabethan Fair. This is a project were you have to write a paper with six genres, make a poster, make some sort of project, and present for three days strait! My advice is to work hard early. I didn't and it ruined my spring break.
The last, overarching thing that you have to worry about is reading 25 books. There is no faking it. I haven't ever read 25 books in one year, but this year I did.
Good luck!

Unknown said...

Dear little 7th graders--

Do not be afraid of McNeeley's class. It is challenging, but really fun. Just remember...
1.) DEADLINES ARE IMPORTANT. Do not turn ANYTHING in late. She is a stickler for deadlines, and will take off points.
2.) You have A LOT (2 words, not 1, of work in this class. Reading logs, which you have now, Word Parts Lists, and Abstracts. These are papers on the College Bound Reading Books you read. There is one per quarter. The first one is over Anne Frank, which you HAVE TO READ over the summer. It's not that bad. :)
3.) It helps if you are organized. Mrs. McNeeley is insanely organized.
4.) Stay on her good side, because the other side is not pleasant AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!
5.) Last, but certainly not least, pay attention! You will learn so much if you do. HAVE FUN, and don't even try to write in pencil.:)

~ Addie Downs

barrett said...
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barrett said...

Hey seventh graders,
When I heard about telling you what to expect next year, I had no idea what to tell you, there are so many things to say! I think that I have managed to consolidate it all down to one short list:
1) The main thing that you need to know is that if you don't wait until the last minute you will be fine.
2) Even if you don't wait until the last minute for the Elizabethan Fair, you will not be fine. It doesn't matter how much you plan, it will still take a lot longer than you think.
3) Ms. McNeeley is a great teacher so no matter how much you hate work or learning, you will still like her class. She has the best stories that you will hear for a long ways around, and is still teaching no matter how far off topic you think you got.
4)Ms. McNeeley is a hard grader but that means that you will get better (you will have to if you want to pass)
5)If you remember all of these things then you will do well and have fun.

Unknown said...

Hola, 7th graders, who are now moving on to the 8th grade.
This blog, and many other blogs posted by my classmates, is like a guide for you to get thorough this coming year. They are helpful, so try to be open minded to our suggestions.

Not turning your work in will cause you your grade or even your summer, and i don't think that anybody wants that. When you turn in late work there is a certain amount of of percentage takenoff. So later, you can only make a up to a certain grade on that assignment. THIS MAKES TURNING IN YIUR WORK ON TIME VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!

2) ALWAYS WORK HARD IN HER CLASS!! (Not only in Mrs. McNeeley's class but in all classes.)
Working hard is mandatory, especially in a class like this one. Deadlines can come at you in a fast pace, causing you to work at a fast pace, which also means stay organized.
3) STAY ORGANIZED. (Don't you just love how all these things kind of tie in together?)
If i haven't learned anything from this class (which I have, trust me), I've most definately learned to stay organized. It helps a lot, especially when it comes to final exams.

This ELA class can be easy. You just have to apply yourself. Then later, you will see how much fun this class can be.
Good luck,
Kenya A. Lane
2010-2011 8th grader

Nicholas said...

The work in Mrs. Mcneeley's class will most likely be the most difficult you have in middle school. She expects a lot of work out of you and you can no longer just breeze through English class as you may have in past years. The best advice I can give you is to stay ahead of your work by working on a small portion every night.

The most well known project she assigns is the Elizabethan Fair, and it is very challenging. Don't worry though, she gives you a very detailed timeline on when parts of it are do, making it a bearable amount of work.

Mrs. Mcneeley is an excellent teacher, and even if you don't like English, you will like her class. She tells many humorous stories that make class fly by, while also teaching you something before you leave.

Before the first day of school I recommend you look over the plot and message of Anne Frank, because you will write an essay on it your first class period with her.

2 things that will save your grade are word parts tests, (on word roots, prefixes, and suffixes), and reading logs. So even though they are a pain to do every week, doing well on them could be the difference of a letter grade.

Don't worry its fun,

Nicholas Byrne

Unknown said...

Hola, 7th graders, who are now moving on to the 8th grade.
This blog, and many other blogs posted by my classmates, is like a guide for you to get thorough this coming year. They are helpful, so try to be open minded to our suggestions.

Not turning your work in will cause you your grade or even your summer, and i don't think that anybody wants that. When you turn in late work there is a certain amount of of percentage takenoff. So later, you can only make a up to a certain grade on that assignment. THIS MAKES TURNING IN YIUR WORK ON TIME VERY VERY IMPORTANT!!

2) ALWAYS WORK HARD IN HER CLASS!! (Not only in Mrs. McNeeley's class but in all classes.)
Working hard is mandatory, especially in a class like this one. Deadlines can come at you in a fast pace, causing you to work at a fast pace, which also means stay organized.
3) STAY ORGANIZED. (Don't you just love how all these things kind of tie in together?)
If i haven't learned anything from this class (which I have, trust me), I've most definately learned to stay organized. It helps a lot, especially when it comes to final exams.

This ELA class can be easy. You just have to apply yourself. Then later, you will see how much fun this class can be.
Good luck,
Kenya A. Lane
2010-2011 8th grader

Guillermo the super awsome Zapata said...

Yo, little children! You may not of heard of Mrs. McNeeley (she’ll bug you about this it’s E-Y at the end of her name) I know I didn’t but if you have the news was probably very scary. Don’t worry there’s nothing to worry about. As you probably have realized by now every grade has one really tough-on-the-outside-nice-on-the-inside teacher. For 6th grade it was Mr. Sacco, in 7th grade it was Ms. Wilkins, and now in 8th grade it’s going to be Mrs. McNeeley. I have to say though, she is probably the toughest of them all. Prepare yourself because she has no mercy. If you want to make a passing grade on a paper turn what you have in on time she will accept no excuses because she knows there’s always at least one way to get it to her. Also if you don’t want to be so scared that you throw up (she actually did that once to someone) don’t misbehave. She can also be one of the funniest teachers you’ve ever had. I can’t count how many times we’ve burst into hysterics in her room this year. The important part is that she can either be your best or worst teacher depending on how you act with her, just remember first impressions are important and you want her to like you as soon as possible. I remember that at the beginning of the year she told us about a relative of hers who was tracing back her family tree. Apparently she is descended from Attila the Hun, Julius Caesar, and several Popes. She said that because of this throughout the year we would fear her, worship her, and pray for forgiveness from her. If she tells you this at the beginning of the year be sure not to tell her that I told you already because she is quite sick of my punch line stealing. I have one more punch line to steal however. No matter how dangerous and scary she seems she cannot hurt you other than by diminishing your pride or by giving you a demerit if you misbehave, so don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself. If there is something on a paper that you think was graded unfairly find some time during advisement or in the morning and talk to her about it alone she’ll probably change it if you can manage to convince her and are polite. This also applies to any threats she makes, she is merely joking she will never harm a hair on you head. To add a final comment, did you see what it said on the main page of her blog? It talked a lot (remember to spell that as two words) about reading if I recall correctly. That is something you’re going to have to get in the habit of doing. So many of the things that you have to write in her class are about what you’ve read, and the reading logs you have to do each night really aren’t that bad. Anyway you can always just do them early so you don’t have any work for the rest of the week or just save them for that last weekend and write them in bulk with the book at your side. I have to say though, writing one per day is actually much easier because the book is fresh in your head. To go over what I’ve said, Mrs. McNeeley can be awesome, or very, very scary, first impressions are important and read your butt off. Good luck little ones and May the 4th be with you. (is it a little late for that joke?)

Milan said...

Dear Future 8th graders, these blog posts are you’re key to success and surviving by the far the most difficult class you have taken to this point. So without the key the “door” will be hard to open and you will be doomed (see what I did there, yeah it was a bad pun).

Alright, first off, to survive McNeeley’s first thing you need to veer from is not doing your best work. Before, you could right up some piece of crap and get an A on but those days end with Ms. McNeeley. McNeeley, will give you abstract assignments. If you try to do a half job on those you will fail her class, hands down. These abstracts are no joke, but don’t get too discouraged after the first one because it takes one or two to get the hang of it.

Secondly, are word parts, these are about the easiest grade you will ever get in McNeeley’s so don’t blow it. Word parts are sheets of words roots, suffixes, and prefixes, that you have to guess on for homework, until the next day when she gives you the correct answers. Then, she gives you a quiz on it at the end of the week. As long as you study before the test you’ll do fine.

Last but not least is the Elizabethan fair. If you slack on this you will die. If you started your Elizabethan project the day before and started at 6:00am and skipped school to work and stayed up till next morning you wouldn’t finish. There is so much stuff you need to have in certain orders, that you will never finish. You need a plan so as soon as you have your topic write one!

Thank you 7th graders for listening to some of the only the few important things you need to survive McNeeley’s class. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck. I leave the rest to McNeeley.

Unknown said...

Upcoming eighth graders,

I know Mrs. McNeeley’s class seems scary, stressful, and impossible. I remember sitting in her class the first day, terrified. I didn’t want her to call on me, I just wanted to become invisible. That feeling had completely faded by the end of the week. It was so much fun! Her class quickly became my favorite time of day. It was so entertaining, and we were learning so much.

I’m not going to lie and say the class is easy, and you won’t struggle at all. However, I can give you some tips to make it slightly easier, and help you to struggle less. Firstly, turn things in on time! It’s pretty easy, if you stay on top of everything, and it will help you so much in the long run. Secondly, put care and thought into everything you do for this class. It will reflect on your grade. Thirdly, take LOTS of notes. They will come in handy when studying, and it helps you to remember what you learned in class.

Don’t stress too much over the summer! Do your reading, and get mentally prepared for the eighth grade!

-Katie Elliott-Gower

Ruqayah Bhuiyan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruqayah Bhuiyan said...

Hey there 7th graders, this is Ruqayah. The only way you will survive Mrs. McNeeley’s class is if you know how to do your homework. We all had a lot of homework. It was not an overwhelming amount, but there will be times were you have like seven assignments due in one day. The easy things like word parts will not be so bad. Elizabethan Fair is what is going to get you. You will have time to get everything done but if you leave it for the last minute, it will kill you. The best thing you could ever do is not procrastinate, try to do thing ahead of time. It may seem like a lot of homework when Mrs. Mcneeley tells it to you, but she just is expecting a lot from you. The only other thing you will see as homework that is bad, is writing, when doing your writings such as abstract try to do them well the first time and actually read the book. You cannot lie to her because she has read all of the books you want to read. Trust me. Do not talk about the plot to much. Overall, it was a fun class and you will learn a lot.

Susanna said...

McNeeley’s class can be either the best class or your worst nightmare. It will be one of the most changeling and fun class you will ever take. If you are organized and study hard, you will pass the class with flying colors.
Here are a few basics you will need to know to excel in the class.

1.Don’t leave assignments until the last minute.
This applies especially to the Elizabethan fair. McNeeley helps to keep you on track with several deadlines but time managing skills are required.
2.Ask questions about diagramming sentences.
At the beginning diagramming sentences is extremely confusing. Ask questions since others will be confused. McNeeley is always willing to help. Don’t be afraid to ask her any questions. You never know when she will have a pop quiz.
You have to study for her final exams. It is the hardest exam you will take in the 8th grade.
4.Don’t act naïve.
This applies directly to reading logs. Don’t say you didn’t know about the due date. She can see through any lie.

Unknown said...

Dear future 8th graders, You may already have an opinion about Mrs.McNeeley. Well that opinion is a little wrong.You have heard rumors about she is mean,strict,and scary.This year Mrs.McNeeley has been my favorite teacher. I always looked forward to her class. To have fun in her class you have to follow a few rules. One-Meet all of your deadlines, or you are dead. Two- Spell a lot as two words not one, because points well be taken of of work if you don't. Three- never talk while she is talking. Four-Always turn in your best work,because she is a very harsh grader. Five-Show her respect and you will get her's. Six-read all of your required 25 books.

Unknown said...

to survive 8th grade ELA you have to be dedicated to your work. Ready to read a lot and learn many different grammar methods. Also if you have Ms. McNeeley's class all the extra work she makes you do is to prepare so you exceed on every end of the year test. The most important thing to remember is that 8th grade ELA is nothing but a lot of dedication and hard work.

Unknown said...

If you do all of these things you will survive her class. Mrs.McNeeley has been a favorite of many 8th grade student , and she soon will be a favorite of yours.

Brittney said...

Welcome future eighth graders,
Please do not fear McNeeley’s class! It is definitely challenging, but it can also be very fun. I am sure you have heard many things about Mrs. McNeeley and her class (some good, some bad, and some totally unbelievable). Right? Yes, I know about the rumors, but don’t worry it won’t be as bad as you think.
Here are some tips that will help you throughout your eighth grade year with Mrs. McNeeley:
1. Don’t be a slacker, stay on top of your game. Start your assignments as soon as they are assigned! Reading logs are made to be done day by day. If you wait until the end of two weeks to do all of your reading logs, you will forget what you have read. (Trust me I know.) Word parts are easy to learn if you study them every day, and the tests on them will be a piece of cake! During your Elizabethan Fair project do not wait until the last minute to throw all your work together. Your ending result will not be pretty. *You have to turn everything in on time.* No excuses.
2. Read as much as you can, starting this summer. You will be expected to meet a total of at least 25 books read by the end of the school year. Don’t put this off until the last month, you will suffer huge consequences. You will prove you read those books by making an annotated book list, so don’t lie.
3. Actually pay attention in class. McNeeley will cover a lot (yes, this is two words!) of things in short periods of times. Take notes, you won’t get lost as easily. When Mrs. McNeeley asks questions she can (and will) pick anybody to answer, so be ready.
4. If you don’t understand something, ask a question. McNeeley does move fast, so if you do get lost ask a question. You don’t have time to worry about things you don’t understand, so clear things up so you won’t end up permanently lost.
5. BRING A PEN TO CLASS! No, a pencil does not work. Mrs. McNeeley will throw your pencil (you may not be able to find it.)
6. Be organized. McNeeley is an organized person. Her room is always very clean (with the exception of a few days after the Elizabethan Fair). You will also have to learn to be an organized person.
I know this may seem overwhelming to you right now, but these tips should help you have an amazing time in Mrs. McNeeley’s class. Good luck!
-Brittney Butler

Gemma English said...

Dear 7th Grade Peeps,
McNeeley's class will almost always be the most interesting and hardest class of the day. Sometimes it feels really difficult and it feels like you just want to quit,but believe it or not, it actually makes you better (hard to believe, I know).
McNeeley herself is simultaneously entertaining and kind of scary. Love her to death though. She loves to tell stories and you might think it's a good time to zone out, but it actually teaches you a lot. PAY ATTENTION, you won't believe the things that will help you that she only mentions briefly in class.
Keep track of what you're reading and all the work that you need to be doing. Use your agenda, deadlines have a tendency to sneak up on you and it's good to know when things are gonna happen.
Try not to stress over things too much. Yes, there is a lot of work. But, no, it won't kill you. As long as you at least try and stick to the deadlines you'll be fine.
She'll make you laugh. She'll make you wanna die. But she also makes you smarter.

Perrin said...

The first thing you should know is that Ms. McNeeley’s class is hard. It is the hardest class that you will have ever had. She will expect more from you that any teacher has expected from you yet and is not afraid to tell you when your writing just looks plain awful. Don’t get me wrong though. Ms.McNeeleys class is also really fun. She has a great sense of humor even if it does seem a little harsh sometimes. In order to really ace Ms. McNeeley’s class and have a good time there are a few rules you need to fallow.
1) Deadlines: In Ms. McNeeley’s class deadlines actually happen. For teachers I had before her most of the time there were pretty flexible about when you turned things in, but not Ms. Mcneeley. When she tells you when something is due she means it and it’s a really good idea to write it down. Once I stayed up almost all night because I thought a paper was due the next day. It wasn’t. It was due the following week. The lesson there is write the deadlines down and remember them.
2) A lot: It is two word just to let y’all know. If you didn’t know this already you better learn it now. She will take 5 point of an assignment if you spell a lot wrong. She will also talk points off if you right “alot” in an email to her, so just don’t do it.
3) Reading: If you have gotten away with not reading your 25 books in a year you won’t this year. She keeps a record of how many books you have read thought the year. You also will be expected to keep a list of all the books you read and have proof that you read them. So you should just read all your books.
4) Writing: You will be writing a ton. It’s is what we do most of the year. If you haven’t been expected to write before you should go ahead and get yourself prepared now. She also expects you to put a lot of time and effort into your writing, so if in the past years you have gotten away with doing as little writing as possible don’t even think about trying that in Ms. McNeeley’s class.
I hope y’all really read these and pay attention because I know that when I was about to go into 8th grade I just kind of scanned over these and didn’t take them seriously. Y’all really need to pay attention to the blog posts. We mean what we say.
Enjoy your summer!

Unknown said...

Dear rising 8th graders,

I know there are many stories of Mrs. McNeeleys 8th grade class. Now I jus want to say they're ALL TRUE! Just kidding its not bad at all. Her class has grown to be my favorite this year. This class can be your favorite as well you just need to remember a few things: 1.)Take notes, Take notes Take notes, write down everything you may see or here that will help you remember something. 2.)Write down all deadlines because there are sometimes in the year where things are back to back to back and you wont remember something until the day of. 3.)A lot is two words never ever ever forget NEVER! 4.) Don't procrastinate. If you fall behind it's a terrible pain to try and catch back up.(this is coming from personal experience) 4.)Stay focused in class. Mrs. McNeeley is a really fun and has a personality all her own, and you can have a lot of fun in her class but theres a time for play and I time to be serious just no how to seperate the two! If you remember all of this you'll have a blast in her class and before you know it it'll be your turn to post things for nexts years rising 8th graders!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey 7th graders!
So, the rumors are true. Mrs. McNeeley’s class is a beast, but I have some tips that will help you survive..

Ever seen Forest Gump or Steel Magnolias? If the answer is no, then add that your to do list. McNeeley tends to reference to these a lot.
See how above I wrote “a lot” above in two separate words? Thats because it is (just remember that..).
You’re going to have to write a paper on Anne Frank sometime within the first week of school so I suggest you actually read it (by the way.. The book and movie are not the same thing).
Mrs. McNeeley doesn’t have a pencil sharpener in her room. This is because she likes you to use pens!
Don’t like to read? Well sucks for you because you have to read at least 25 books by the end of the school year. (Hint: She loves Pat Conroy. If you want to get on her good side, read something by him!)
Ok. Most important tip. Do not procrastinate on anything, especially the Elizabethan Fair! It is one of the hardest projects you will ever have to do, but once it’s over.. You’ll realize how fun it actually was!

Good luck and have fun!

Jenny Javetz

Unknown said...

Surviving Mrs. McNeeley's class was a stressful, painful, and dramatic year. We had deadlines, the Elizabethan fair, papers, and reading logs... But if you think about it, it was fun. I learned about stuff I never knew about: the Holocaust, the Elizabethan era, and of course William Shakespeare. My advice to you guys is to always turn in your reading logs ON TIME. Pay attention and study hard and you will survive 8th grade English.

Daquice "Moped" Appleby

Unknown said...

Dear rising 8th graders,
Now I know you've heard many rumors about Mrs. McNeeley's class,but it's not as bad as you think. Here's a couple of tips to help you stay on her good side:
2)DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!!!That's an automatic F.
3)Write down every deadline you have. If you are a procrastinator just like me then prepare to break that habit next year. Procrastination will kill your grade.
4)Keep all notes you take in class and keep you ELA notebook organized.
5)Always be ready for popquizzes(she rarely gives popquizzes but you should always be prepared for them)
6)If you hate comprehending the passages you read then you better break that habit too, because you'll have to complete reading logs, abstracts, and annotted book lists.
7)Mrs. McNeeley has a tendency to pick on students so don't be embarassed if she picks on you because she does it to everyone.
If you read these tips you will survive Mrs.McNeeley's class :) Good Luck!!

Unknown said...

Welcome to the world of McNeeley. Here you will experience torture, loads of work, and pain. I’m just kidding. McNeeley’s class isn’t as bad as people make it out to be, I thought it was before I got here. In this class if you do your work, turn it in on time, and try your best you will succeed. McNeeley grades hard, but it will help you in the long run. You will have reading logs, abstracts, word parts and other papers but if you put forth your best effort and try to better yourself, everything will be good! McNeeley is a lovable teacher and she will love you too, even though she doesn’t show it that much. She shows tough love and if you can survive that, you will make it through 8th grade.

*itty bitty piggy* said...

My 7th Grade Friends :),
I love you guys lots and lots. I want you guys to do so awesome in 8th grade, like I know you will.
I'm just going to tell you that 8th grade is pretty awesome. You get to go and field trips and graduate (so make sure you behave!!).
McNeeley is one of my favorite teachers so far. You guys are going to LOVE her! <3
Make sure though you follow these rules for McNeeley's class:
One more thing my lovely 7th graders, GET READY TO READ A LOT in her class. McNeeley will make you read until your eyes fall on the pages of the books. :)
I love you my 7th graders and be good to McNeeley. <3

Ms. McNeeley said...

Well, upcoming eigth graders, the only thing you have to do is stay focused. Be polite and respectful and you and the teacher will be best friends. Also you will have much fun in language arts. You will learn a lot about Shakespeare and Queen Elizabeth I and the Holocaust.

Unknown said...

Dear rising 8th graders,

McNeeley's 8th ELA can be one of the worst periods of the day or one oyour favorite. I've learned so many things this year. This class can be really fun and interesting if you remeber these 5things......

1. Always pay attention, and dont talk back because she will send you out in a minute!

2. A lot is two words.

3. Don't fall asleep because you'll probably miss something really important, and you'll probably get a little visit from Hurley!

4. Turn in your work on time because, if you get behind you'll never atch up.

5. HAVE FUN!:)

Ms. McNeeley said...

This is actually from Perrin...

The first thing you should know is that Ms. McNeeley’s class is hard. It is the hardest class that you will have ever had. She will expect more from you that any teacher has expected from you yet and is not afraid to tell you when your writing just looks plain awful. Don’t get me wrong though. Ms.McNeeleys class is also really fun. She has a great sense of humor even if it does seem a little harsh sometimes. In order to really ace Ms. McNeeley’s class and have a good time there are a few rules you need to fallow.

1) Deadlines: In Ms. McNeeley’s class deadlines actually happen. For teachers I had before her most of the time there were pretty flexible about when you turned things in, but not Ms. Mcneeley. When she tells you when something is due she means it and it’s a really good idea to write it down. Once I stayed up almost all night because I thought a paper was due the next day. It wasn’t. It was due the following week. The lesson there is write the deadlines down and remember them.

2) A lot: It is two word just to let y’all know. If you didn’t know this already you better learn it now. She will take 5 point of an assignment if you spell a lot wrong. She will also talk points off if you right “alot” in an email to her, so just don’t do it.

3) Reading: If you have gotten away with not reading your 25 books in a year you won’t this year. She keeps a record of how many books you have read thought the year. You also will be expected to keep a list of all the books you read and have proof that you read them. So you should just read all your books.

4) Writing: You will be writing a ton. It’s is what we do most of the year. If you haven’t been expected to write before you should go ahead and get yourself prepared now. She also expects you to put a lot of time and effort into your writing, so if in the past years you have gotten away with doing as little writing as possible don’t even think about trying that in Ms. McNeeley’s class.

I hope y’all really read these and pay attention because I know that when I was about to go into 8th grade I just kind of scanned over these and didn’t take them seriously. Y’all really need to pay attention to the blog posts. We mean what we say.

Hanleigh said...

Little naive 7th graders, you have no idea what is coming to you. You probably have heard that Mrs. McNeeley has played as the big bad wolf on the 8th grade hall, but that is all wrong. Although,the work and the stress is coming to you. This doesn't have to be a bad thing, if you remember a few things.First,do your best at all times. Mrs, McNeeley is a tough grader,but if you do your best you should be fine. Second, do not procrastinate. It is not fun to have an abstract, Elizabethan fair project, or even summer reading to do at the last minute. Trust me, I would know. Lastly, remember to have fun because the books you read and the projects you do turn out to be really cool and interesting! You won't die....Maybe.

Unknown said...

Dear Rising 7th Grader,
Mrs. McNeeley is an awesome but crazy teacher. She is very easy going but when you do not turn in work you grade will drop very quickly and you will be out of advanced ELA. There is not much to worry about in her class except do your work and try your best; if you do you will be just fine. Now she might seem scary at first but she is one of the best teachers you will ever have. Always turn in your work and read, read, read, and you will be just fine have fun next year.

Larry Childs

Tomislav ZM said...

Here's the scoop. McNeeley is not as bad as you may have heard. She is an amazing teacher in the classroom. She is really fun, but make sure to turn in your work on time - she is really hard on student deadlines. There are several major parts to her class.
1) The first and foremost component is writing. You will have the largest number of summative grades from writing. There will be one abstract per quarter. Abstracts are basically a summary of a book, and some comments analyzing the book's style. You will also have many smaller writing assignments.
Also, the Elizabethan Fair grade is HUGE. You have a month to do it. Get started immediately, or you will have to spend your spring break finishing - not fun. In the end you will have a great product to be proud of. At the Elizabethan Fair, you will have to present a poster, make a speech, and present a physical product that has to do with your topic.
2) Reading logs, and the 25 books to read. You will have to read 25 books minimum this year, and there will be a chart to fill in. By the end of the first semester, you have to make an annotated book list of at least 13 books. At the end of the year, you will have to have a total of 25 books minimum on your book list.
Reading logs are turned in once every two weeks. Do one each night, because having to do them all on Sunday night before they're due, and staying up till 2 in the morning is not fun. You will have to write about the characters, style, setting, plot, and conflict of the book. For 5 of the 10 entries, and for the rest, you will have to write something that is not prompted by a question from such a category.
3) Word parts are also a major part of her class. There will be eight lists that you will have to fill out, and there will be 8 word parts quizzes that will ask for the meanings of the word parts, and for a word that contains the word part.

Your experience in McNeeley’s class will be great. Have fun, and enjoy the year!

Terrence said...

Hey, guys. Brace yourselves for a really challenging class. The first thing you can do to prepare is read A LOT over the summer! Believe me, the year flies, and it's really easy to let the year go by without reading your 25 books. Second, always turn in your best work! Ms. McNeeley knows when you don't turn in your best, and she will fail you if you don't! Third, although the College Bound Reading Books may seem extremely boring, try to pull a theme out of it. If you don't include the theme in your abstracts, you lose major points. Four- DEADLINES! Use your agenda book! Ms. McNeeley's deadlines are strict! Last, you need to just pay attention in class and just do all of your work. If you aren't a slacker, this is one of the best classes you can hope to have.
Have Fun!

P.S: The Elizabethan Fair is the hardest project you will have in middle school! DO NOT wait until the last second to do it! It's too much work to do in one day!