Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Advice for Future McNeeley Students

So my little 8th grade darlings - soon to be high school punks :)- this is where I would L-O-V-E for you to post any tips, hints, advice or warnings to next year's 8th graders for surviving the coming academic year with me.

You can comment on anything specific (i.e. summer reading, Holocaust unit, Elizabethan fair, abstracts, reading logs, etc.) or everything in general.

What do you wish you had known BEFORE you came to my class?


Matthewd said...

Ok 7th graders, soon to be 8th graders, get ready for the ride of your short young lifes. Look, Ms. Mcneeley’s class will be the hardest class that you have ever taken in your life! And I mean this so much! Let’s start out with the basics. read ANNE FRANK!!!! This is a must because without it, you are in trouble. Second. Do her work. Do not slack off at all or you will be sorry. Third. She will threaten you (with a hurly), insult you, and mess with you, but this is for your own good. This prepares you for high school and life after that. Fourthly. DO THE ELIZABETHAN FAIR PROJECT TO THE BEST OF YOUR ABILITY!!! If you slack, you will fail. And the final and most important thing, STUDY FOR HER FINALS because they're really hard. But just remember to have fun (if you can)

sweetbreeze007 said...

Dear Future 8th graders,
I would like to prepare you. Ms. McNeeley's class will be the hardest but most fun class you will have this year. I have one golden rule that will save you and if you don't follow it you will be DOOMED. I have seen it happen so trust me. The golden rule is plan for EVERYTHING! and whatever you do don't be a slacker. When I say plan I mean write down, your homework, projects, due dates, and major tests. Especially the Elizabethan Fair Project!! Do not put that off until the last day or you will most certainly fail or you will suffer humiliation for having the ugliest project out there. The best way to plan would be to keep a calendar or actully use your agenda for once and if you forget to do something don't try and give Ms. McNeeley some lame excuse because she can see right through them. Also study for every test because the finals are brutal and if you haven't already READ ANNE FRANK! Also you will have to read 25 books this year so don't put it off or else. The most important thing in Ms. McNeeley's class is to pay attention because she is preparing you for highschool and almost everything she has to say is either interesting or helpful in some way. Not to mention for all those slacker class clowns out there you'll be in for a whole lot of hurt in the form of a hurly, threats or insults, so make this the time to change your ways. You will have the most fun you've ever had in a class if you follow these rules. so put what I've said to use(or else).
-Brionna Hall

Unknown said...

Dear future 8th grade students,
First, Ms. Mcneeley is a wonderful teacher that will make sure that you do your work. Second of all if you do all of your work, you will pass this class, even though it is one of the hardest classes in 8th grade. She will see right through you, so if you forgot to do something, tell her straight up. She will know if you are lying.
I only have two words for this categoty. READ IT. It does get intresting.
Make sure you do your reading logs because they can make or break your grade. They are not that big of a pain in the butt.
There are only 4 of them, I think you can deal with it. By the way: it helps a WHOLE lot if you actually read the books.
I'm not going to lie, her finals are the hardest finals on the 8th grade hallway. You actually have to study in order to pass them. P.S. make sure that you know how to diagram a sentence properly.
Other than these few things that you need to know, you'll be fine.
Morgan Maxwell

Chloe Hargrave said...

Hey uprising 8th graders! Well Ms. Mcneeley's class can be tough sometimes but I am sure you will get through it. Make sure to read your books over the summer because you will need it the very first day of school. Don't be annoying and obnoxious in her class, do your reading logs, and things like that and you will be fine. Do your ABSOLUTE BEST on Elizabethan Fair. It is a tough project but it is fun in the end. Oh! DON'T SLACK. Turn in things when they are due. I am sure that it will all be fine, just follow the tips that we gave you and good luck!

Unknown said...

Hey you guys!
Well, first to start it off, YOU BETTER READ THAT ANNE FRANK BOOK!! If you do not read it, don't expect to pass the test, which is on like the 2nd day of school. Second, make sure you study for EVERYTHING. Her final exams are REALLY hard, if you don't study. Take my word for it. Third, do your homework. If you don't do your homework be perpared to hear her yell. Fourth, make sure you read AT LEAST twenty-five books next year. And fifth, this is like the golden rule, BE RESPECTFUL! She does not play when it comes to having respect for her and your peers. If you just follow all of the things I tell you, you should have a good year...... hopefully.

Good luck,
Aaliyah Hale

Anonymous said...
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Ansuman said...

Alright, 1st things 1st. Read Anne Frank!!!!!!! At the beginning, of the year you will be asked to essay on the book. To get a decent grade in her class is to do your reading log! You will lose major points if you don’t read at least twenty pages from a book each day. Something you really want to avoid is late work. Ms. McNeeley can’t stand late work. Another thing is, behave. The easiest way to pass her class is to stay on her good side and do all your home work. I advise you to be prepared; her class can be the hardiest class you have ever taken. It can also be fun, if you’re on her good side that is. In third quarter you will be doing the “Elizabethan Fair.” It’s a huge project on Shakespeare’s, and Queen Elizabeth’s life time. That project will be harder than science fair. The scariest thing in her class is her finals. You have to study your butt off for her finals. You will fail if you don’t. Remember the Elizabethan Fair, because that will really hurt you grade!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ansuman Mishra

Hannah Dunn-Grandpre said...

Hello to all of the future 8th graders reading this! Okay, so I have to give you guys some advice about how to get through McNeeley's class. I would say the number one rule to live by would be to not procrastinate! You have to make sure you actually use your agenda and pay attention to what you wrote down, if you don't your grades will suffer!
Okay, I don't want this to be painful to read so i think I'll just make a list instead of some boring paragraph.
-You must remember to study! If she tells you something will be hard, then it will be ten times worse than you actually think.
-Elizabethan Fair is one of the coolest things ever, once it is finished. Getting there is a pain and it is not easy, so don't think it is.
-If you do not read then you are srewed. You have to read Anne Frank, not reading it will have some pretty bad consequences.
-Don't do stupid stuff or McNeeley will get p-oed and thats not good.
Lastly, this class is hard so listen to what I have told you because I have already been through this class so I think I might know a thing or two.

Anonymous said...

7th graders,
McNeeley's class is like no class you've ever been in. You will learn more in her class then in most classes and you'll have more fun also, but if you don't do what is asked you will regret it. So you know by now that you have to read Anne Frank and my advice to you is do it. If you think you'll be fine with using cliffsnotes then think again. I personally didn't enjoy reading the book, but when you have assignments the first week of school on the book you'll be glad you read it. When the routine starts up you will have reading logs- DO THEM!!! They are not that hard and not doing them murders your grade. The abstracts are a pain but you should do them because there's only four of them all year and they're not too hard. As for finals, they are the hardest finals you will have had, all i can say is study, study, and study some more. I usually don't study for things, but this is different they are around six pages and they are HARD! First quarter I thought I'd be okay waiting until the last night to study, but I was wrong. I got not so great grade that pulled my final grade down four points (which could easily bring you down a letter grade) so I would advise you to study two weeks before the final it will seriously help. Last, Elizabethan Fair is very fun if you have a topic you enjoy learning about, so pick something interesting. If you've heard it was the hardest, most terrible project you'll ever do don't listen. It is the hardest but as long as you don't procrastinate you will have a good time. It will go by faster than you can imagine. Have fun losers!

lois said...

Hey little people ( or big people)of 7th grade! okay here are some rules to having a great time in Mrs.McNeeley's class!
1. Do everthing as early as possible, so that McNeeley won't have to bring the hurley down on you!( like this summer, read a LOT of books and memerize ANNE FRANK)
2. think about what your going to do for Elizabethan Fair NOW, so that you can use more time for getting it to be AWESOME. You willl have to present with her watching, which is scary!!
3. Do ALL your homework, even if your tired, busy, or lazy. You will pay for it later. everything matters!
4.Be a good kid. Ms.McNeeley is really cool to know for a teacher, but if your one of those kids who don't care about school, she will do everything in her power to punish you!Most people aren't too bad in her class, since she does really cool stuff to keep us from getting bored.
5.Testing. For her, you HAVE to study. Her tests will challange your mind to the fullest, and they can be REALLY hard if you don't study. Like Finals or Abstract's
( kinda a test). Your homework and study are important to your grade!

That's about it for me, good luck suriving her class! ( I'm going to miss her, but I'm glad I don't have to anymore!)

MSongBird said...

Hello all 7th-who-are-going-to-be-8th-graders!!!! and Hi MCN :D Anyway's, let's get to the point here! NEXT YEAR! READ ANNE FRANK OVER THE SUMMER!!!! READ IT!!! Don't slack off! You might want to take notes too or read the book close the end of summer so that you can remeber it better. Study up on the Holocaust too! It DOES help! Try to be on MCN's good side, you have a lot more fun and get a lot less glares. Her bark is worse than her bite...unless you aggrvate her...Anyways! Be prepared to be teased, slightly insulted, threated, and yelled at. I've gotten water thrown in my face before, but i laughed it off and everything was fine. NO DRAMA! She HATES beauty parlor too...If she asks you if you want to become a teacher and you say yes, your a dead man/woman. Well the bottom line is 1. STUDY FOR EVERYTHING, 2. BEHAVE and 3. Have a positive attitude! It helps!
P.s. she smells fear....honest O_o

kiara mejia said...

Future 8th graders,
As you prepare to enter the World of McNeeley, you prabably need a few heads up. Like most people might have told you, read Ann Frank. It might not be the best book ever but you will need to read it to understand the first weeks of class. One thing you might want to know is that Ms.McNeeley gives projects/assingments that are worth a lot of points. Plan ahead for them! If you don't, you will most likely fail her class. Make sure you get things turned in on time and and give her your best effort. Don't be a slaker or forget.If you do, you will result with a zero and an "I forgot" teasing.
You guys have heard that Ms.McNeeley is really strict and scary, right? Well, she is strict but not scary. Unless, ofcource, you make her furious. Ms.McNeeley has a best friend named Hurley. You will meet Hurley if you misbehave.
Overall guys, Ms.McNeeley has one of my favorite teachers. She can be lots of fun. She has the most amazing stories to tell. Be a good 8th grader and you will have no worries.Good-luck!
-Kyara Mejia

Joshua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Soon to be 8th grader, just to let you know I have not been at Clarke Middle School my whole 8th grade year. I was only here for 2nd semester, but I still have advice i can give you.
Miss McNeeley may seem scary at first, but it will probably turn out that she is your favorite and the best teacher of your life! You will learn so much, but it won't be boring book work day after day after day after day.She incooperates the basics by having you do fun work (sometimes).
The Elizabethan Fair we'll probably be the HARDEST project of your life!!! Plan AND DO THE WORK!!! ALL OF IT! If you work hard and keep track of things you will probably have fun. It won't be as bad you think to get out in front of everyone and present. I have one hint on presenting that I sometimes forgot to do: BREATHE! It makes things go a lot smoother. You'll have a great year; don't fret to much over things and it will be fine.

Harrison Boza said...

Dear future 8th graders,

First of all let me you that Ms. McNeeley’s class will be a class where you learn the most in, it will also be one of the hardest ELA classes you will ever have, but it will also be the funniest ELA class you will ever have. No for some tips…

1. Never make Ms. McNeeley mad when ever it looks like she has been sleep deprived or has had a bad day, because she will loose it on you
2. Don’t ever try to diss Ms. McNeeley, because it’s useless- she will end up winning.
3. If you turn everything in and do a good job you shouldn’t have to worry too much about your grade
4. That brings up another good point- never turn in anything late because sometimes she just wont take it or you will have to get a pink slip and get a lot of points taken off.
Reading logs are not that bad but if you wait until the last weekend until they are due like I do sometimes, you better have a lot of time to do a lot of reading and writing. There are no excuses for reading logs because you get like 2 weeks to do 10 so it’s really not that bad.

Abstracts aren’t that bad either, there is only one every quarter and you have too read a college bound book- which you probably already know about. Just don’t forget about it, and you will be fine.

Ms. McNeeley’s finals are the hardest finals in the world!! NO JOKE! She will have one study session the week before the finals… DON’T MISS IT!! It will help somewhat but most of the studying is probably going to be done at your house and may take an entire weekend to study everything.

Now the Elizabethan Fair is another story- just finish every piece on time and don’t wait until the last minute!

Good Luck,
Harrison Boza

Josh Knight said...

Hello soon to be 8th graders, just a little advice for you guys when it comes to Ms.McNeeley's Class.

1st: be prepared for her to make jokes about you, but you have to know when she is joking around and when she is serious.

2nd: DO YOUR HOMEWORK. without it you will struggle. she uses that joking thing to help you to do your homework and projects.

3rd:Dont slack off. especially on projects such as reading Anne Frank and The Elizabethan Fair. Slacking off will cause you to fail the class then you have to work extra hard in order to get your grade back up. its just easier in the long run if you dont slack off.

4th: take this advice seriously. when i was in your place, i didn't take this seriously and i severely paid for it.

i hope you will do good in her class because she is only preparing you for 9th grade and now that i think back on it, i do believe that she prepared me for 9th grade. good luck.

Denisse Saucedo said...

Dear rising 8th graders,
Even though Ms. McNeeley is a great teacher, there are a few things that you have to know in order to pass her class.
1. Ready the Anne Frank book because when you write the paper she will know if you didn’t actually read it.
2.Study, Study, Study. If she tells you that if you do not study you will fail then you will actually fail, so STUDY!!! Her final exams are hard.
3.Turn in all your work on time; she is not a big fan of late work.
4.The Elizabethan project is not as hard as you think; if you procrastinate you will fail though.
5.DO NOT LIE. Ms. McNeeley can tell if you are not telling the truth so if you didn’t do your homework tell her instead of lying to her.
6. If you pay attention in class then class will seem a whole lot better.
If you follow this advice then you’ll do fine in her class. Oh, and one more thing don't act stupid she is not a big fan of that either.
Denisse Saucedo

Michelle Legette said...

Hola peoples of 7th grade(soon to be 8th graders!Isn't that awesome?)Ok, so I'm pretty sure most of you guys know me. Whether it's from soccer,Barrow, or you just know some how! If not, I'm Michelle and I shall give you some info on 8th grade!

1. So you get this book to read over the Summer,"Diary of Anne Frank." So here's a little tip...READ IT!!! ALL OF IT!!! You have to write an essay on it on like the third day of school! I made mistake of just sorta skimming it and I didn't do so hot! So yeah, just read the book.

2.You also get reading logs! Do one everyday or if you're totally awesome, do two. Don't wait until the day before it's due to do them. It's gonna hurt your brain. And btw, DON'T DO THEM WHILE YOU'RE CHECKING YOUR FACEBOOK!kk?

3. Ms. McNeeley is NOT scary. She's just fair. So don't get on her bad side. 'Cause if you do, you're REALLY gonna regret it.

4. In science, you have these things called Analysis Questions(Ms. Rejmer or Ms. Bailey will explain). Just do them on time. Because if you don't, they SERIOUSLY hack off a lot from your grade in science. One zero could get you from a 93, to a 69.

5. A lot is two words.... nuf said.

6. Always have a friend you can count on to get missing assisgnments from. Don't just choose someone because they're your best friend. If your best friend is ANYTHING like three of my best friends, you're not gonna be happy when you get a zero on something because your friend forgot to tell you an assignment. I was lucky to have a GREAT missing assignment buddie(I love you Vitoria!!!), but some people weren't so lucky.....

7. KEEP YOUR LOCKER CLEAN!!!! If you're messy, you're gonna have a rocky 8th grade year. Trust me on this one....

8.The Elilzabethan Fair is a TON of work! You have a list of deadlines to keep you on track, so STICK TO THEM! Or you're gonna be up until four in the morning cursing Elizabethan Fair under your breath.

9. Homework is not an option!!! Just do it and turn it in on time! It will seriously help you, your grade, and your ears if you do.

10. Have fun with it! It's your last year in Middle School!

Don't eat the yellow snow,

P.S. Spell Miss McNeeley right!

Patrick Humphreys said...

To the 7th graders,

The first thing you need to make sure you do is read Anne Frank. Even if you don't like it, you must finish it. Cliff notes won't cut it, and Ms. McNeeley knows when you're lying. The second thing is to try to read as many books over the summer as you can. Trust me, this will help you a lot, as you won't be struggeling to read 25 books before the end of the year. Also, don't be annoying or your life in her class won't be fun. Stay on her good side, it's not that hard. Just do your work and turn assignments in on time. When you get to the Elizabeathen Fair, section make sure you set deadlines for yourself. It makes it so much easier. One last thing, if you think you've taken a hard test before, you have no idea of what a hard test is. Her finals are nothing to mess with. Study, study, study!!! Other than this you'll be having a blast learning about lots of interesting things next year!
Good luck!

Samantha said...

OK, so little soon-to-be 8th graders, here is some “helpful advice” from me. ALWAYS pay attention to what Ms. McNeeley says, turn things in on time, and do everything you need to do for the Elizabethan Fair! All of that is EXTREMELY important! If you follow those then you should at least pass her class. The abstracts and summer reading are really important, too, so just make sure to do those. The Holocaust unit is really interesting, so pay attention, listen, and make sure you take your notes. If you do all that then you should be sitting on an A, probably. One last thing, do not make Ms. McNeeley mad! She is not afraid to yell at you, so watch out! If you stay on her good side she is seriously the coolest teacher EVER, and you should have a lot of fun in her class!

GOOD LUCK (you may need it :))
-Samantha Martin

insanekissane said...

Seventh graders! Have fun with the rest of your Summers because this upcoming year is going to be the worst you've ever had. You thought Mrs. Wilkins was bad, wait until you meet Ms. McNeeley (Notice: <-- correct spelling of her name, don't forget it).
You have a short reading list of 25 books this next year. Not too hard right? WRONG! The only reason I had enough books read by the end of the year is because some of the books I read were over 400 pages long and 400 pages = two books. So, read your books (Just a hint, you might want to get started reading over the Summer because you have more time to do whatever you want. I didn't do this... it cost me). Speaking of Summer reading, you are required to read the Diary of Anne Frank so I might recommend actually reading it.
If you have a sibling who has had Ms. McNeeley, ask them if they have their Word Parts list (they will know what you're talking about, how could they forget the dreaded Word Parts?). It will be useful if they kept it (I took my sister's at the beginning of the year and they helped a lot (Notice: <-- the correct spelling of a lot).
You might want to start on your Elizabethan Fair projects right now (and start taking stress relief pills) because that project left me no time to do anything but start Ms. Tuggle's daily 20 pages of math homework at midnight. Don't leave it until last minute. Just stick to her deadlines and you should be okay.
I have saved the best (and worst) for last eh heh hehh. MRS. MCNEELEY'S FINALS. (Notice that I put a period instead of an exclamation point because this is serious) They can hurt your grade soo much! A C on a final can take you from a low A to a high C or low B. Thats like 10 points!. Study as much as you can for the finals and go to the study sessions, they help a lot.
Ms. McNeeley may sound bad but even though she may threaten you, argue with you, insult you, and humiliate you she's still a pretty cool teacher. I had a lot of fun in her class and learned a lot.
Have fun Failing,
-William Kissane ...................who's post is better than Patrick's

Nectar4 said...

Dear future 8th graders,


Dude’s you must read that Anne Frank book, because on the second day of school there is a test, and if you don’t read that book you WILL fail that test

This class will be your favorite, and Miss McNeeley will be one of your favorite teachers. My favorite part was learning about the Holocaust and the doing Elizabethan Fair. The Elizabethan Fair is the hardest project you will do, but it’s a fun project too. My not so favorite part is reading logs and writing abstracts. I don’t like reading logs because I don’t like to read that much, but over time reading will pay off. My not so, not so favorite part are Miss McNeeley’s final exams, they are the hardest exams ever. Make sure to study consistently.

10 Easy steps to succeed in Miss McNeeley ELA class.

1. Miss McNeely is preparing you for high school, so there will be lots of homework and projects.
2. Always do your homework
4. STUDY!!!! ( her final exams are the hardest)
5. Don’t be scared to ask questions
6. Do not get on her nerves
7. She WILL NOT hit you with her Hurly ( it’s a scare tactic)
8. Do not procrastinate
9. Pay attention in her class (it you don’t you will get lost)

If you follow these steps you WILL succeed!!!

P.S This class will kick your butt (and you will fail) if you don’t study and do your work. This class will kick your butt if you do study and do you work.


Good Luck!!!
Antanay Goode

Unknown said...

7th grade,
I know that 8th grade might seem intimidating (especially McNeeley), but its really not that bad, as long as you don’t mess up!

First off, I know that some of you are annoying and always think you’re being funny, when really you’re just being immature and stupid. She hates that! Second, READ ANNE FRANK! It’s actually pretty good, and she wasn’t kidding when she said that you have to write an essay on the first day over it. Third, you have to read 25 books in all, next year. I would suggest starting over the summer.

McNeeley and the rest of eighth grade can be really fun, if you don’t SCREW UP!

p.s. You have to call her the McNeelanator

Ariel said...

Hey ya'all.I'll keep this short
and sweet so it doesn't bore you guys. Ms. McNeeley is an incredible teacher.
1)Don't question her. She has her degrees and is extremely smart
2)Do your work, you're here to learn
3)Don't goof off early in year, save it for later when she learns to like you
4)Study for the finals and read everything she tells you to. Learn your helping verbs
5)Pick something you're interested in for the Elizabethan Fair
6)Don't procastinate!!!! You'll be screwed and will panic and mess up everything!!!
Don't worry, she's great and you will love her and she possibly like you if you follow the rules. Take it from someone who had Ms.McNeeley for a year.Have fun!!!!!=)

Unknown said...

Future 8th Graders,

First of all, I can tell that by reading some other peoples’ comments that you are probably really scared, really excited, or most likely a combination. Don't be scared. The only people who will have something to worry about would be the slackers and class clowns. What I am about to say is very important: DON'T SLACK, and don't save anything for the last minute, ANYTHING! This can result in your destruction! Also, you people who think you are funny, you are most likely not, and she will point that out! Don't even try to be funny in that annoying and stupid way, because it won't get you far. Miss McNeeley's class is very fun (I know that sounds impossible, but just take my word for it). Not only is it fun, but she always makes sure that you have the tools to be prepared for everything (i.e. CRCT, Elizabethan Fair, abstracts, etc.)Speaking of the Elizabethan Fair, I know it sounds dreadfully scary and hard, but just keep the deadlines, do your BEST, and you will be okay. I’m going to leave it at that, and I wish you all good luck!

-Tallie Cline

Anonymous said...

Yo youngsters!
Ms. McNeeley is a pretty cool teacher, but she gets irked if you don't do what she tells you to do when she tells you to do it. It's simple to pass her class. All you have to do is your work. You shouldn't be afraid of her. As long as you do what she says, it's not that bad. In fact, it's probably going to be the best class you have.
You've most likely already read a lot about the Elizabethan Fair Project. It seems like a lot of work. Suprisingly, it goes by fast and it's pretty fun. You learn a bunch too. Don't be stressed, but don't be too relaxed either. "Everything in moderation." -Socrates DO NOT PROCRASTINATE AND DO NOT TAKE THIS ADVICE LIGHTLY.

Have fun!
-Nida Javaid

angie said...

Future 8th graders,
In a couple of months you will be stepping into the world of 8th grade!!!
In order to survive and pass Ms. McNeely’s class, you need some advice.
All you have to do is follow it!!!!
2.Turn in you reading logs on time and don’t procrastinate on them.
3.For the last two years you have attended this thing called the “Elizabethan Fair” right???
Well guess what,you will be part of it soon. In order for you to pass this project you have to stay on top of things. Follow the deadlines and DON’T wait until the last minute to get all of you information and citations. This project has many parts to it and it can be hard , but it can be fun too!!! JUST AS LONG AS YOU DON’T PROCRASTINATE!!! <= I cannot stress this enough!!!
4.Study for the final exams!!! They are really hard!!!
5.Do your homework.
6.Ms. McNeely is one of the coolest teacher you will ever meet, just don’t get on her bad side!!
7.Don’t slack off.
8.Pay attention and don’t ignore her
9.Don’t question her. She will scream at you.
10.HAVE FUN!!! This is your last year in middle school. Enjoy every minute of it.Before you know it the school year will be over.

sarah said...

Ok 7th graders, as long as you do everything on these lists, you'll be fine.
1. read as many books as you can this summer. you have to read 25 books by the end of the year (it doesn't sound that bad but you'll be really busy).
2. study! even if you've never studied for a test, you need to. if you don't study you will fail her finals.
3. listen and take notes. pay attention because you will need to know the information (holocaust and elizabethan fair especially). it's worth it, it's helpful and interesting!
4. do your reading logs! they aren't that bad and they really help your grade.
5. don't write anything about a book that you haven't read. read your abstract books and follow the rubric.

*last but not least DO NOT PROCRASTINATE!

good luck!

Unknown said...

Soon to be 8th graders,
You must be prepared to enter 8th grade so I advise you to read these comments. ALL OF THEM! Some people may repeat things but there may be a couple of hints that could really help you in the long run. I remember reading this advice and it sure helped me be prepared. So here is what I suggest:
-READ READ READ! It will help you so much not only in her class but on your reading logs, book lists, and just overall. If you aren’t a reader ask Ms. McNeeley or go to the library and they can help you find good books. Ms. McNeeley will introduce you to her favorite books and some really good books on subjects she teaches like the Holocaust, read those and you may be surprised they are interesting.
-STUDY! It will help you soooo much not only in ELA but in your other classes.8th grade finals are not like ANY other final you have ever taken. So be prepared and study. But do NOT study just the night before, study over a period of days too.
-BE PREPARED! Don’t forget your pencil, paper, binder, etc. She may be nice sometimes but that is rare and she will get on to you and it’s not fun.
- Do NOT ACT UP! That is one of the most important things to remember. She will get so annoyed and will embarrass you, or you will get in trouble. (Sometimes even both.) That means NO talking excessively, don’t joke around, be obnoxious, or backtalk, seriously DONT!
- PAY ATTENTION! In the beginning of the year she may scare you and you may hate her class. But if you pay attention and get involved with her class you will begin to enjoy her class a whole lot more, I mean it.
So, listen to what we have to say and don’t blow it off. Your grade could suffer very badly if you don’t work and put effort into it. So Good Luck!
-Emily Giglio

Unknown said...

Hey future 8th graders!
Here is some advice about ELA with Ms. McNeeley. First of all, be ready for the first day of 8th grade, it will be the scariest day of your lives. Make sure you read the Anne Frank book throughly, and if you don't understand read it over again; you WILL have to write an essay. Look out for the Hurly—she won't actually hit you, but she hits the desk your sitting on. Don't EVER, I mean EVER spell “a lot” as one word. Always do your homework, Ms McNeeley won't be happy with missing or late work. Study for the finals; they are the hardest tests in 8th grade. Read over the summer because reading all 25 books during the year WILL be hard. Do your Reading Logs every time and don't slack off; it's a significant part of your grade. I know all of you are going to be fine if you take this class seriously.
Good Luck!

Unknown said...

Dear 7th graders, you are about to enter 8th grade, and if you think that it is going to be as easy as 7th grade then think again. Everything gets harder this year to prepare you for high school. Out of all the classes that I have; Ms. McNeeley's is definitely the hardest. If you don't study then you can forget about passing her class. She expects you to be respectful in her class, so any class clowns better think twice before trying to be funny. She also expects you to work hard in her class. You will have numerous assignments over the year, and you better do them or you can expect a big fat F. Her class may be hard, but it is also fun (if you're not on her bad side). All in all, you will most likely have fun in this class, but don't expect it to be a breeze. Good luck future 8th graders (your gonna need it).

Unknown said...
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benjamin barrett said...

Future 8th graders,
Sometimes Miss Mcneeley's can be hard, but follow these directions, and you will make it through. First, read Anne Frank because i tried to skip a lot of parts, and i ended up failing he essay. So really read it. Second do all of the reading logs. Reading logs are a large amount of your grade. Third do the Elizabethan fair project to the best as you can because it is a huge project. Finally, just have fun in her class. If you have fun you should make it through.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...
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Haven said...

The best advice I can give to the up coming 8th grades is, to enjoy being in 8th graded. Don’t let yourself get sucked in to all the 7th graded drama that moves up with you. As 8th graders you go on all kind of Field trips and do really special things. Do you honestly want to be sitting in detentions or ISS while your friends are having fun? This is your last year, so make the best of it. If I had a chance to redo 8th grade I would not put myself and the entire he said she said stuff. If I had done that my year just might have been just perfect.
And for Miss. McNeeley, in a since she is like most teachers. She has a line that does not need to be crossed, and it is different for each person. If you listen to her, I mean really listen to her, you would learn something about your self and your mind. When you are dealing with Miss. McNeeley you need to be strong and know what you are talking about. Don’t come to her saying and telling false information.

Wish you best,
Haven Bell
p.s do all of your work and read Anne Frank, this summer.

Unknown said...

Hey 7th Graders.
You may think you're ready for the eighth grade, but you'll be surprised at what happens. Theses teachers are insane, especially Mcneeley!!! As the other people have said, you have GOT to read Anne Frank, because the rumors are true, you write an essay on it the FIRST day of school. Those 25 books that you have to read throughout the year aren't hard, as long as you stay on track and record them WHEN you read them. Reading Logs suck, but as long as you do them and TURN THEM IN [because she tolerates absoluteley NO late-work] then you'll be fine, but doing them the night before or even during your other classes that day is obvious when she is grading them. Elizabethan Fair seems intimidating, and it is. Choose a good, and original, topic, and study and research and write and do everything you have to do, and you'll be fine. If you slack off for any reason you'll fail miserably. The Holocaust section was my favourite, it's really sad, but by learning more about it I felt like I understood it more. Ms. Mcneeley will definitely scare you at first, but she rocks. She was one of my favourite teachers this year, and if I could've gone to one class all day all year, it would have been her class.
-- Hendley Landers

Don't laugh when she says the word anal!! She doesn't mean it in the way you think she does, ok?

Egor said...

Ok, future 8th graders, here is some advice for you.
NEVER, EVER procrastinate or not do you homework/projects!!!! And I do mean NEVER. I slacked off and never got higher than an 81 on my report card. If you do all the work, and actually TRY (unlinke me), you will do well (also unlike me). So don't be like me! And the one thing I did right in her class is read a ton of books (60 so far)IN AHEAD so I (later possibly you) won't have to read them for later for abstracts. If you follow my advice, you won't end up like me, and [hopefully] you'll have a good grade.

Unknown said...

Hiya! So, you are going to do more this year than you EVER have before. So let's start with the basics: DO YOUR READING LOGS! I constantly slacked off, and just this morning had to do ten of them. It isn't fun, but it's necessary. Don't lose your word parts, either.
IT'S NOT A LIE!!!! You actually do have to write an Anne Frank essay, so it helps to read the book BEFORE three days until school starts. Again, personal experience.
Oh, and Ms. McN greatly appreciates originality.
I know that all of ya'll think you're soooooo funny and sooooo cool. You're not, and Ms. McN will tell that to you. Loudly. And she will probably insult you.
The Holocaust unit is really fun and interesting, so pay attention and maybe even take notes. it's fascinating stuff.
Elizabethan Fair looks TERRIFYING, but truthfully, the hardest part is the presentation, and even that gets easier. Just pace yourself.
ALSO: do NOT laugh when Ms. McN says "funny" things, unless she's joking and it's obvious. AND LISTEN WHEN SHE SAYS SHE'S ON NOTHING BUT CAFFEINE! IT'S USUALLY TRUE! And yes, the Hurley is real.
Good luck! You'll need it!
-- Maddi :)

Dory MacMillan said...

Here's my advice:
STAY ON TOP OF THINGS! Really, everything comes back to get you if you don't. If there is a deadline, it's good to get it out of the way. Working at the last minute doesn't work, and McNeeley can tell!
Don't take what Ms. McNeeley says to heart. She is a great teacher, and she's just messing with you. But, in some cases, do, because she'll help you succeed.
In terms of the Elizabethan Fair, spread out your work. Don't do it at once! And really work hard: it's important.
Her final exams are INSANELY HARD! So STUDY! And also take good notes in class. They help more than I can say.
Also, she'll joke around, but don't forget that SHE is the teacher. Not you! And usually she knows what she's talking about...:)
This class ROCKS!
Mostly, if you study, listen, and ask questions you'll do fine. Just make sure you enjoy her class, because it's great.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

hm hi.

The only real advice I can give you, future 8th graders, is don't slack off. I've done this numerous times, and my grade always stays mediocre.

But seriously, don't procrastinate. It's the difference between a failing and passing grade.

That's all you need to know. All other things fall under this category.

Jason K said...

Dear soon to be 8th graders,
Ms. McNeeley is an awesome teacher. Sure she might be mean at times, but you'll never find a more fun teacher in middle school. Now lets get down to helping you, ALWAYS turn in your work. Even if you think "Oh, it's only 1 assinment," trust me that one 0 will be very hard to bring up. All the assinments she will give you to do will be harder and harder, not mentioning her final exams and tests. As long as you keep your cool, and focus you will do find in her class. I know you might have friends that you will try to goof off with, but trust me, DON'T. Education is more important than to chat with your best friend. So always keep doing your work to the best of your abilities. Also, never ever P/O her, or she will definately embarrass you infront of the whole class. So, good luck to you in the awesome class and stay focused.
-Jason K

Googe said...
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Googe said...

I know what you were thinking, it feels like yesterday I was sitting where you are now, reading posts by 8th graders and now I'm here, writing the posts. Scary hunh?
SO! You are thinking that we are a whole bunch of weird 8th graders. You are scared otta your little minds of McNeeley and have no clue what we are talking about. You also probably don't believe half of what we say. You probably shouldn't. However, since I think the Anne Frank, Elizabethan fair and DON'T PROCRASTINATE spheel has been said, I will not bore you with it agiain. (A side note is that everything they said about those things is TRUE!!!)
Ms. McNeeley is THE best teacher you will ever have. You will work your BUTTS off and it won't matter. The first week or so of school you will sit around and talk, you will be learning, and you won't even know. There are a few routines that McNeeley sets up adn if you follow those, the rest of the class can be as informal as she chooses. You will do work, HARD work and you will screw up a LOT of stuff but I PROMISE it will all be worth it.
Ms. McNeeley will be like no teacher you have had before. She will make fun of you; she will scream every medically correct, embarassing, term that she can think of in your face; she will call you a loser and tell you that she hates you. She will bang a large, heavy wooden stick on your desk; she will permit you to say ONE swearword during ONE unit that she teaches, but you can say it as much as you please and she will expect more from you than any other teacher you have ever met. I know that up until now your teachers have liked you and that you think you are incredably intelligent people. I am saying this now. You ARE, and McNeeley expects that. She will not coddle you and praise you. However smart you think you are now, is the MINIMUM that she expects. She has taught HUNDREDS of gifted students and she does not think you deserve a medal for being just as smart as all the others she has taught. You don't.
I know that after that "chat" she had with you in ELA that you have some form of scared respect for her. She deserves that much respect and more, so as long as you give it to her, she will reciprocate and you will have the best classroom experience of your life.
Goodbye for now losers, see you in High School


Joshua said...

Hello, young people. You are all soon going to be entering Miss McNeeley's english class. Some people may complain that Miss Mcneeley is mean and scary, just because she yells sometimes. But she gets angry for the right reason. She is fair and will not be mean unless you are being very immature or innapropriate. Also, over the summer you better read Anne Frank over the summer. Your going to have a essay during the
1st or 2nd day. She will tease you every once in a while, but she is just joking. So don't take it personally if she disses on you someday. Some advice you should DEFINENTLY take in mind is get started on your 25 book list early. It's very hard to pull the whole assignment out on the last week (You should try to read a lot over the summer to get a headstart). Same thing for the Elizabethan Fair she gives you deadlines on it so definently try to stick to them. I think Miss McNeely is a really cool teacher. You will think the same thing if you use this advice I have given you. Good Luck!:)

Ilaina Burns said...
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Ilaina Burns said...

Hello rising eighth graders!!
Ms. McNeeley's class will be an awesome experience for you if you just follow a few rules. Here they are in an 'easy to read' list form...

1. READ ANNE FRANK DURING THE [middle-ish of] SUMMER!!! I cannot stress this enough, for I made the mistake of leaving the reading until the very last night of summer. (Notice I said “night”, not “day”.) DO NOT DO THIS! Your first grade of the year in English will be on an essay about Anne Frank. So unless you are some amazing, superfast reader –which you’re not- I would recommend reading the book in the middle of summer, then again near the end (or at least looking over it).

2. Do not procrastinate!!! This goes for reading logs (especially those!), abstracts, Elizabethan fair, and anything else.

3. Elizabethan fair
- Keep up with the deadlines; I’m not kidding.
- Turn in you research journals, even if you don’t have the recommended amount of entries.
- Don’t freak out about presenting. It is soooo much fun! For me, that was my favorite part of the Elizabethan fair.
- Bring candy!!
- And also, Elizabethan is not pronounced ‘ian’ at the end!!

4. Reading logs
- DO NOT leave these until the last night!!!!!!!! That is the biggest mistake you can make with reading logs.
- Ms. McNeeley does actually look at these and grade them so don’t just write random crap and expect to get a good grade.
- For the reading logs, you are supposed to read about twenty pages then write about them. I do not recommend reading ahead before you write about the first set of twenty pages, because then you know what happens next. This tends to happen with really good books.

5. No late work!!!!!

6. STUDY for finals and word parts quizzes!!

7. Expect to be called by your last name.

8. Have fun in this class. It is very fun and easy if you follow all rules and do your work!! (And remember, “A lot” is two words!! )

- Ilaina Burns

Unknown said...

Hey seventh graders, im sure you guys thought this year was easy but wait till next year. Now the main thing you need to know is homework is the key. It is an easy way to get a good grade. I cant be talking because I never did mine and yes it made my grade crash and burn so you should take it even more serious when it comes from me.
READING LOGGSS. dont wait till sunday night. that is what i did last night and believe me its HARD to do it all in one night, but it is tha most important thing you do that is HW.
Read Anne Frank. You will use it all year
watch Ms. McNeeley's tone. she is awesome when she is in her good mood, but if you abuse your freedoms she changes and you need to watch for her tone before you mess around.
Never procrastinate. it kills
study study study
someone might have left something out.

have fun,
Gabriela Noriega

Hunter Cutts said...

Dear 7th grade punks,
Ms. McNeeley’s class is the hardest class that you will come across next year. It is also very entertaining. There are a few things that you need to know, and if you do them, then you should be fine. First thing is READ ANNE FRANK!!!!! It is true that you will have to do an essay/quiz on it at the beginning of the year. I f you actually read the book, then it is an easy quiz. Second thing is turn in your work. There is a bunch of work that you have to do, but you should be fine if you turn everything that you have done in. The third thing is always do your reading logs. They don’t have to be long, but they have to be packed with info, and completed. Reading logs are important, and if you do them, you should have a decent grade. The last piece of advice that I can give you is to study for the finals. Even if you have never had to study to get a good grade in your life, you will not get a good grade if you don’t study. I promise, not studying is a very bad idea. This class can be your favorite class, or the class that you dread the most. Try hard and don’t slack off. Good luck little 7th graders.
Hunter Cutts

Alex Dominicali said...

Hey little 7th graders I hope you have enjoyed 7th grade because you are about to hit a really hard year, its fun but the work gets a lot tougher. Here is my advice for yall.
1) Do your homework the night it’s supposed to be done! This really applies with your reading logs!
2)Elizabethan Fair. When you get this assignment it will seem like a lot of work…well it is. Turn everything in ON TIME and don’t just do the minimum of what you are told to do. During the presentation days you will have fun it pays off.
3)Stay organized!
4)Her finals are really HARD and LONG. Study really hard for these.
5)Oh try not to get checked out of her class or miss her class for two reasons, 1. she really doesn’t like that and 2. its hard to catch up in her class sometimes.
6)Read Anne Frank, I know everyone has said this but it is really important!
Well I think that’s it. You are going to have an awesome year in her class just take everyone’s advice and you will have lots of fun next year! Good luck! :)

-Alex Dominicali
p.s when she says she will give you extra credit for doing something like bringing her rolls of tape DO IT!

Unknown said...

Rising 8th graders,
You've already heard just about all you need to know but I would like to add my view to your life for the next year! I'm not joking around. THIS WILL BE YOUR LIFE!
I want to start off by saying most of you know that I'm an athletic like most of you. My coach always told me I was a student athletic and the student always comes first. Be sure to follow this. Ms. McNeeley won't except things like "I had practice all night" or "I had practice, then went here, then I went there, and i didn't even eat dinner until 10 o'clock last night." So be sure to take advantage of the offseason and for those of you that don't play sports, be lucky you have all the time because you are going to need every second of it.
Next, abstracts are easy as long as you read a book along with reading logs but they are both important to do.
Finals Finals Finals. All I can say is study study study. When you think you've studied enough and can't study anymore, study more. This will pay off and you'll be happy you did when you see the grade of the person next to you that didn't study. Unfortunately, I was the paper with that bad, embarrassing grade. I always tried to blame it on sports but deep down, I knew it was my own fault.
Ms. McNeeley is a great teacher. You will hate her at times but it's for your own good. She may yell at you but just take it and don't say anything or show any emotion and you'll be fine.
I know what you are about to go through so if you need any further advice, let me know. I would be glad to help.
Good Luck.
Jack Elliott-Gower

Anonymous said...

Hello rising 8th graders!
Most of my classmates have mentioned everything that you need to know. So this well be sweet. Though here are some of my advices!
-Read read read as much as you can. It doesn’t hurt to learn and it helps you actually do your reading logs and turn them in on time.
-Keep up with all her work, STUDY, and listen to everything she says. Trust me, everything she saids is interesting.
-Her class is not a “beauty parlor” don’t be putting on lip gloss or brushing your hair.
-If you listen to my classmates and I, Im sure you guys will survive 8th grade year.
-Also, be RESPCTFUL! She doesnt mess around with that.
-Be sure to have fun!
Best of Luck!
Thananya Kerdpoka

Rachel Morgan said...

Dear future 8th graders,

My peers have given you all the advice you need so i'll make this short.

Listen to what she says because you'll never know if it will come up again. NEVER procrastinate, because it will come back to haunt you. If you are like many of us and do not like to read, GET OVER YOURSELF!!!!! Most importantly, never get on her bad side. This year has been interesting. Good luck!
-Rachel Morgan

Dory MacMillan said...

Oh! I thought of something else!
Be open-minded! If you come into this class like you're too cool for it, or you just don't care, you are completely out of luck. Because YOU are not TOO COOL for McNeeley. About everything in her class is from, so just go with the flow. And get a grip on yourself. This is a great class.

Loran said...

Guys, take my advice. It's not that hard.
These other people are making a WAY BIGGER DEAL than they need to be.

This class is easy as long as you:

-Do your work
-Don't procrastinate

Thats all you have to do. Eight grade isnt THAT bad.
Just behave and don't mess up things for you.

Good luck.

Melody Wauke said...

Almost 8th graders:
There are a few things that you should probably do in Ms. McNeeley’s class if you want to pass. It’s mostly common sense, though.
First of all, listen to what Ms. McNeeley says. She always gives you clear directions, so you should never be confused about the work. Do exactly what she tells you, and you’ll be fine. Also, you’re excuses will probably not be good enough, so don’t try them. Just do the work.
Not only should you do the work, but turn it in on time. Late work brings your grade down, so don’t procrastinate. Try and get the work done fast so you won’t have to turn it in late or get a bad grade for waiting until the last minute.
Don’t do anything stupid. Talking back and trying to be funny won’t get you very far. Respect Ms. McNeeley and she will probably yell at you less.
Lastly, study for any of her tests. Her tests are much more challenging than you expect, so be prepared. It doesn’t matter if you’ve never had to study before. Just try it. Even if you think that you know everything, it’s better to make sure.
Basically, if you do all of this, the class won’t be as hard. Pay attention and it won’t be too bad.
Melody Wauke

Hallie said...

Hey rising eighth graders! Everyone pretty much said most of the main things you will need to know to pass Ms McNeeley's class so I thought I should mention some of the little things that are also important
- Keep up with all of the papers she hands out to you they work as great study guides for tests.
- Any extra credit that is offered DO IT and remember bigger is always better and if it does suck it’s not like it will hurt your grade.
- Everyone must where green on St Patrick ‘s Day or you will here the wrath of one angry Irish teacher!
-Everyone needs to learn to staple the correct way as well. (That means in the top left corner of your papers)
-Use common sense people! I’m pretty sure you all have brains.
- It never hurts to be a teacher’s pet!
- Don’t ever talk about your opinion on another teacher’s teaching skills in her class or else.
- Make sure you know how to diagram a sentence because she will ask you to do it at least once and you don’t want to look like an idiot in there or you will be removed from her class.
- There will be a essay and a test the first week of school so make sure you read Anne Frank and know your helping verbs!
-I know reading the same thing over and over in everyone’s entry can get really boring (mainly because no one is being creative and thinking of other things to say) but you really should take all of these into consideration and remember to focus in class.

~Hallie Javetz

Anonymous said...

Ok so little ones listen good. You have to be prepared. Most people say it's hard and if your anything like me (hope your not) you will not believe them. That is a mistake. You have to be on time, no late work, and follow the rules. It is easy to get in trouble if you slip up. Also the Elizabethan fair IS A BIG DEAL! You have to give it your all and prepare a proper speech! Thats really it for me.

Unknown said...

The most important thing NOT to do in the 8th grade is get on Ms. McNeeley's bad side. If you fail to follow this simple step, your entire year will be much less enjoyable.

One thing you need to prepare for is an enormous increase in schoolwork. On most days in the 8th grade, you will have fairly challenging homework in every class. It is very important that you give your best effort and complete these assignments on time, as grading becomes much tougher in the 8th grade. However, despite how difficult 8th grade can be, you will almost certainly have fun with with most of the things you do, especially Elizabethan Fair. Good luck!

Daniel C. said...

I know everyone else has said this, but you really need to read Anne Frank this summer. Also don't forget the other required reading to. Reading books in general is almost the biggest part of ELA. You will have reading logs, abstracts, and you have to of read 25 books by the end of the year. Not that hard right? It can be if you wait till the 4th quarter. Lastly, the Elizabethan Fair is perhaps going to be the biggest project of your life. So do not slack in any way during that whole preoject. Alright so overall, just stay on top of things and try not to stress your self out.

Googe said...

OK, since you've heard the same things many times over and probably don't believe them I thought a short illustration might help. One of McNeeley's finals was NINE PAGES LONG. ONE page was multiple choice, one was vocabulary. That leaves SEVEN PAGES of essays and short answer. I am a straight A student, that was the nine page final from heck. On a similar note Elizabethan fair, I worked for WEEKS until midnight every night and then on the last night I was up until two printing, and then I had to get up early. Honestly it was so bad I was able to trick my dad into thinking I had a boyfriend who I was secretly talking to in my room I was up there working on my project so much. It is hard as CRAP but God is it fun!